OCI™-F Hyperspectral Imager (VIS-NIR, SWIR)

Views: 1935


The OCI™­F Series (“All Seeing Eye”) hyperspectral camera is a miniaturized push-broom hyperspectral camera covering the full VIS-NIR (400-1000 nm), or SWIR (short-wave infrared, 900-1700 nm) wavelength range, with a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface. It features ultra-compactness (14 cm x 7 cm x 7 cm) and light weight (~ 570 g) with fast data transfer rates (up to 60 fps). As an innovative “true push-broom” hyperspectral imager: one can simply move the imager by hand, or drone (UAV) or other vehicles, or move the sample (e.g., conveyor belt) to finish the scan. Not dependent on a constant scanning speed, the OCI-F Series offers versatility on various platforms such as UAVs with perfect hyperspectral image stitching. Compactness, fast imaging, simple operation, and intuitive software make the OCI-F’s the perfect choice for first-time practitioners and old-pros alike. They’re Ideal for applications such as precision agriculture, remote sensing, conveyor sorting, forensics and all airborne applications



The OCI™­F Series (“All Seeing Eye”) hyperspectral camera is a miniaturized push-broom hyperspectral camera covering the full VIS-NIR (400-1000 nm), or SWIR (short-wave infrared, 900-1700 nm) wavelength range, with a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface. It features ultra-compactness (14 cm x 7 cm x 7 cm) and light weight (~ 570 g) with fast data transfer rates (up to 60 fps). As an innovative “true push-broom” hyperspectral imager: one can simply move the imager by hand, or drone (UAV) or other vehicles, or move the sample (e.g., conveyor belt) to finish the scan. Not dependent on a constant scanning speed, the OCI-F Series offers versatility on various platforms such as UAVs with perfect hyperspectral image stitching. Compactness, fast imaging, simple operation, and intuitive software make the OCI-F’s the perfect choice for first-time practitioners and old-pros alike. They’re Ideal for applications such as precision agriculture, remote sensing, conveyor sorting, forensics and all airborne applications

Full Details

OCI-F Compact Hyperspectral Imager The compactness, and BaySpec’s proprietary “true push-broom” technology (line-scanning at random speeds), make the OCI-F Series the perfect choice for various applications. 


Key Specs
Operation Mode “True push-broom”
Spectral Range 400-1000 nm or 900-1700 nm
Number of Spectral Bands Up to 240 (VIS-NIR) / 80 (SWIR)
Spatial Pixels 800 x scan length (VIS-NIR), 250 x scan length (SWIR)
Lens  16 mm (21° FOV)

Key Features

Key Features

  • Extremely compact and light-weight
  • “True push-broom” covers 400-1000 or 900-1700 nm
  • High sensitivity and resolution
  • Effortless system integration


BaySpec-Datasheet – OCI-F-SWIR Hyperspectral Camera

BaySpec-Datasheet – OCI-F Hyperspectral Cameras


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